How to Cite

Revision as of 12:39, 7 September 2021 by RLoughnane (talk | contribs)

The editors of CADRE encourage scholars to use and cite this resource accurately in their own work.

Preferred Citation Style

Since the collaborative nature of a wiki will inevitably lead to multi-authored and -revised entries, we suggest beginning a citation to material on CADRE with the name of the entry rather than its author(s) or the names of the general editors. (NB. All contributors to a given entry are identified within the entry itself and its history page.)

Example: Using the latest MLA 8 style, a citation for the "Questions to Ask" entry in a "Works Cited" list would appear as follows:

"Questions to Ask". CADRE: Co-Authored Drama in Renaissance England, gen. ed. Rory Loughnane and Brett Greatley-Hirsch, accessed 2 June, 2024,

Further Information

Because other citation styles may require more or less information, the following may be of assistance:

Page Title: All entries have a page title, usually formatted for alphabetising purposes (e.g. "Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green, The")
Resource Title: Co-Authored Drama in Renaissance England
General Editors: Rory Loughnane and Brett Greatley-Hirsch
Date of Publication: This is given at the bottom of an entry.
Questions about citing material can be directed to the editors at: