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Prophetess, The

Year (composition)[edit | edit source]

This is the year.

Year (first printed)[edit | edit source]

Reprints (until 1700)[edit | edit source]

Authors (title-page ascription, including reprints)[edit | edit source]

Authors proposed (attribution scholarship)[edit | edit source]

Genre[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

Auspices[edit | edit source]

External Documentary Evidence[edit | edit source]

Payments[edit | edit source]

Stationers’ Register[edit | edit source]

Title-page ascription(s)[edit | edit source]

Biographical evidence (external)[edit | edit source]

Theatrical provenance (external)[edit | edit source]

Allusions[edit | edit source]

Print and MS attributions[edit | edit source]

Internal Evidence[edit | edit source]

Palaeographical evidence[edit | edit source]

Biographical evidence (internal)[edit | edit source]

Theatrical provenance (internal)[edit | edit source]

Metrical evidence[edit | edit source]

Chronological evidence[edit | edit source]

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Oaths and interjections[edit | edit source]

Linguistic evidence[edit | edit source]

Stage directions[edit | edit source]

Verbal parallels[edit | edit source]

Image clusters[edit | edit source]

Critical Debate[edit | edit source]

Critical Commentary[edit | edit source]

Further Thoughts[edit | edit source]

Works Cited[edit | edit source]

Year (composition)

This is the year.

Year (first printed)

Reprints (until 1700)

Authors (title-page ascription, including reprints)

Authors proposed (attribution scholarship)




External Documentary Evidence


Stationers’ Register

Title-page ascription(s)

Biographical evidence (external)

Theatrical provenance (external)


Internal Evidence

Palaeographical evidence

Biographical evidence (internal)

Theatrical provenance (internal)

Metrical evidence

Chronological evidence


Oaths and interjections

Linguistic evidence

Stage directions

Verbal parallels

Image clusters

Critical Debate

Critical Commentary

Further Thoughts

Works Cited